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Pia Lux Tutorials...

New Pia Lux's Video Tutorials available now!


The following is NEW: (Oct'24)

1. Photoshop tutorial starting from Beginners and going up to advanced, excluding AI

- 7 ½ hours of screen recordings  (so great to 'pause', 'rewind', etc)

- pdf Doc with all the text


Price R 1500 ($86) plus R 200 ($13) optional for pdf doc


2. Lightroom Tutorial, beginners to intermediate

- 2 ½ hours of screen recordings

- pdf Doc with all the text


Price R 1300 ($75) plus R 200 ($13) optional for pdf doc 


3. Beginners Tutorial on creating a Composite: 'Will I see you again"

- 2 hours of screenrecordings

- PDF doc with screenshots showing every step in detail

- Photos to be used to create the tutorial




So even if you have never worked in Photoshop or Lightroom, these Tutorials go into the finest detail and even if you have never done a composite, you will be able to learn with the Beginner's Composite tutorial. You don't have to have any knowledge of Photoshop, I explain everything in detail. 


Important to have Photoshop CC to follow along ...


 This is how to go about it:

Please send me a mail to or a private message if interested. Do an internet payment (contact me for bank details) on or pay via Paypal (I can send a Paypal request).

You will then receive the following:

- the download link with password for the Video on Vimeo (make sure you download the highest resolution) 

- Wetransfer (you will receive a mail with a link from Wetransfer, click on that to download the files) the exercise files

- with supporting pdf (optional - see below) with all the steps with screenshots.

- Plus the Audiovisual that shows the steps plus all the files that you will need to create this composite in high resolution.

- The final PSD file that shows all the steps




Previous Tutorials still available:


I have a Beginner's, Intermediate and Advanced tutorial available.


The video is recordings of me doing the composite step by step and the

- Beginner's is an 1 hour and 25 min  plus (optional) for the pdf document that has screenshots with all the steps and precise settings..

- Intermediate 2 1/2 hours  for the pdf document that has screenshots with all the steps and precise settings

- Advanced 3 ½ hours 


The cost is

-   Beginners ('For a Poet's eye'):              R 800     ($60 USD)

    plus pdf document(optional)                  R 250     ($16) 

                                                                   = R 1050   ($ 76)

-   Intermediate ('Lady in Black'):               R 1050  ($75).

     plus pdf document(optional)                  R 250     ($16) 

                                                                    = R 1300   ($ 91)

-   Advanced:  ('The Accordion Player')     R 1500    ($90)                                      plus pdf document(optional)                  R 350      ($20) 

                                                                    = R 1850    ($ 110)


BONUS: if you buy all three you will receive a tutorial free

'Advanced selecting of a horse's hair R 550 ($40) 


The tutorial on ‘Advanced selecting’ is only the selecting process, not creating the full composite, it is 30 min long and includes the video on step by step process of doing the selection. I will also include the working files.


Thank is the making of the Beginner's composite 'For a poet's eye, you will find him' and the Intermediate '...for in Darkness I was walking and destruction lay around me...' and Advanced 'The Accordion Player' with focus on creating a rain street scene, showing my workflow with all the tips on how I do it....and sharing my years of experience...

For a poet's eye, you may find him voorb

For a Poet's eye, you may find him...'

For a Poet's eye, you may find him...'


For in darkness I was walking and destru

             '...the Accordion player...'

The Accordion player low res.jpg
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